Startup is a payments platform like you’ve never seen before.

We build digital experiences on the most robust platforms. See how we can help you grow and scale today.

Grow local. We help small businesses grow with smart payment solutions. Read More

Go with your customers. Take payments on the go with Startup Pay. Read More

Growth tools. Startup offers a suite of growth tools to help you grow. Read More

Discover how our hip startup is leveling the playing field for small businesses, offering powerful payment solutions that pack a punch. See how we can help →

Subscription Billing

Contactless Pay

API Integration

Detailed Analytics

Payment Pages

Smart Invoicing

Customer Support

Fraud Detection


The future of payments is evolving today

In an age where digital experiences dominate, the way we handle financial transactions has undergone a remarkable evolution. At Startup, we’re shaping the narrative of seamless payments that resonate with the pulse of the digital era.

Payment tech designed for the future

Gone are the days of cumbersome transactions and lengthy queues. Today, users crave simplicity and speed in their financial interactions, and our startup is here to meet that demand.

We build products that help you earn revenue

Our cutting-edge payment solutions seamlessly integrate into the digital landscape, offering users an experience that transcends the traditional boundaries of finance.

Features that scale with you



Instant Checkout

Discount Codes


Video Library

Design Library

Pro Blocks

From our blog

Product updates, growth strategies, and more.


Revolutionizing Transactions: The Future of Payments Unveiled


Navigating the Trendy Realm of Contactless Payments


From Code to Coins: Demystifying the Integration Journey with Startup

A modern payments platform that won’t abandon your cart

We build digital experiences on the most robust platforms. See how we can help you grow and scale today.

Unlock with Ollie Pro!